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Kickstarting the website (again)

Hello, welcome to the blog section of my website! This is a December first addition - that I may or may not regret in the future, but I've always just felt like my website was missing something and I couldn't quite put my finger on what that was, so here's hoping that this section fills up that gaping void.

I also figured that this section could work as a sort of thoughts and updates page because that was what I found was lacking in the previous version of my website, the lack of an interaction with anyone (or even myself) and a lack of space to collect thoughts and observations, so I am really glad that this exists right now.

Hence, as an update, I just wanted to very quickly share what's been happening. I just wrapped up the production of Electra with CAKE from the 24th to 26th of November and while I mainly worked as a stage crew on the production, I learnt heaps about the other areas of production - that may be beyond my comfort zone, which was very humbling and essential, and was kept thoroughly busy throughout the entire month of November.

With that successful production and experience, I am also incredibly excited to jump into my next production (which I will be acting in), Pretty Butch, as part of the 2017 M1 Fringe Festival: Art & Skin, set to open from the 11th to 14th of January 2017 at the Centre 42 Black Box.

There has been a lot of buzz regarding the festival due to some controversial opinions and while I would like to keep this first post free from negativity, I would also just like to voice out on how important a festival like the M1 Fringe Fest is to our community, society and its artists. Without this festival, a lot of voices will continue to go unheard, and a lot of boundaries and walls will not be pushed.

We're currently running a kickstarter page (hence, the *clever* title of this post heh) for our production and we would need all the help we can get. Should you be interested to check it out, here is the link.

I go back into rehearsals on Sunday, and then it'll be intensive rehearsals till it's show time. Some new plans are also brewing for 2017.

I look forward to updating this page again.

Till then, be kind to others and yourself!

x Deonn

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